Image Manipulation - Resize
Image resizing has become a necessity for users of the internet, who post photos on their blogs, use pictures for an avatar and e-mail pictures to friends and family. Since cameras are now equipped with 10+ megapixels, pictures can be quite large in size and therefore, need to be shrunk in order to be uploaded. FilerFrog’s Resize Image is an intuitive and easy to use tool that does this and more!
"Custom Resize" Usage: Simply right click an image file and choose Custom Resize from Image Manipulation submenu. Here you have the choice of how to change the size of your image: by percentage of the original image or by image dimensions in pixels (useful for when you know the exact size of the photo). Also, you can change the image’s compression quality, which will have a direct effect on the image file’s size. Your Image can also be converted to and saved as a JPEG file, which is the most commonly used format for images. Click OK and a copy of your image will be added to the folder, its name indicative of the operations done by FilerFrog. For example “1.jpeg” will be named “1 - Copy_FrogShrinker50%Q8” if you resized the image to 50% of its original size, and change its compression quality to 8.
Extra tip from the frog: Also, in the Image Manipulation submenu, FilerFrog also has a few commonly used set sizes (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%), with and without the option to convert the image to a JPEG file, for quick and easy usage.